Even though George R. R. Martin has a lot on his plate, he found some time Wednesday to update his Not a Blog with his current stress bomb of an upcoming schedule — which includes the latest Song of Ice and Fire book, the latest Wild Cards book, three new series concepts at HBO and Cinemax, three short low-budget films he wants to produce, and a trip to Europe — as well as his current slate of problems. (Hey, it’s always good to talk about things rather than stew.) “Life is impossibly busy right now,” he wrote. “In the midst of all this, wars old and new continue to rage all around me.” Uh-oh. In the beginning of the post, Martin goes on to discuss War No. 1: the recent Hugo Awards “Puppygate” ordeal. The latter half then shifts gears and turns into a PSA for War No. 2: fans’ craziness (in the form of lots of emails and comments) over the last few Game of Thrones episodes.
Here’s what he had to say about it all:
(W)ars are breaking out on other fronts, centered around the last few episodes of GAME OF THRONES. It is not my intention to get involved in those, nor to allow them to take over my blog and website, so please stop emailing me about them, or posting off-topic comments here on my Not A Blog. Wage those battles on Westeros, or Tower of the Hand, or Boiled Leather, or Winter Is Coming, or Watchers on the Walls. Anyplace that isn’t here, actually.
Yes, I know that THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER named me “the third most powerful writer in Hollywood” last December. You would be surprised at how little that means. I cannot control what anyone else says or does, or make them stop saying or doing it, be it on the fannish or professional fronts. What I can control is what happens in my books, so I am going to return to that chapter I’ve been writing on THE WINDS OF WINTER now, thank you very much.
Okay, so he’s stressed — he even selected the little vibrating alien face for his current mood thing on LiveJournal — and probably doesn’t want emails at all, unless they’re about Puppygate (or maybe even puppies in general). Fortunately for everyone’s sanity, the GOT season five finale is this weekend.