Perhaps feeling like it was time to mix things up, Seth Meyers ditched his opening monologue for Monday night’s Late Night broadcast, jumping right into the news at the top of the show instead. Rather than standing to talk about Donald Trump, Obama, Bernie Sanders, shrinking wiener dogs, text messaging, and the Kardashians, he did so sitting behind his desk. It was very Saturday Night Live Weekend Update–y. Though it was a welcome change for the somewhat stale late-night format (and a good way for Meyers to further capitalize on a proven talent), it really threw viewers off.
Especially because there was no initial explanation:
What’s going on? Does Meyers want to cram in more news jabs for the upcoming 2016 election? Is he going to subtly revolutionize late night, bit by (tiny) bit? Or does he really just not like standing? At time of publication, it was unclear if the no-monologue move was a permanent change. (Stay tuned, as they say.) Also, if that update didn’t excite you, maybe this will:
Yep, that Beetlejuice sequel is happening! It was a big night for Seth and his desk.