Edgar Wright, director of Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim, is working with Bret McKenzie, known as half of Flight of the Conchords, to adapt Neil Gaiman’s book Fortunately, the Milk, which will star scarf connoisseur Johnny Depp. That is so much star power in one sentence. This could either be a brilliant movie, or a hodgepodge of crazy, or both. As The Hollywood Reporter confirms, Depp will star in and produce, along with animation house Animal Logic Entertainment, which bought the rights. The children’s book, which Gaiman himself describes as “quite possibly the most exciting adventure ever to be written about milk since Tolstoy’s epic novel War and Milk,” concerns time travel and breakfast cereal. Don’t you hate when you go to to the grocery store for dairy products and instead you come back with aliens? Depp showed off his range this year, having portrayed a British art dealer with a crazy mustache as well as infamous gangster Whitey Bulger. Considering his versatility, it remains unseen as to whether Depp will play the father, the son, the alien, or perhaps a hungry cat who just wants some milk. He could even play the milk.