In nonsense news, there is a group of (dozens, probably) white men on Twitter very adamant that Star Wars: Episode VII is promoting “white genocide.” Huh? On Monday #BoycottStarWarsVII began to trend on Twitter, with many angry tweets from men who think a multicultural cast from a Jewish director (every mention of J.J. Abrams in relation to the movie references his being Jewish, like a scribbled draft of Mein Kampf) means that Episode VII is anti-white.
But if we’re being honest, #BoycottStarWarsVII probably started trending because sane people quickly mocked the hashtag. Selma director Ava DuVernay chose to ignore the hashtag and tweet out #CelebrateStarWars instead:
If white men can’t handle Lupita Nyong’o playing a nonhuman, motion-capture character, what is this world coming to?