Jennifer Lawrence: the myth, the woman, the source of nonstop bathroom jokes. J.Law is Vulture’s Most Valuable Star for the second year in a row, and after spending hours poring over the minutia of her life (and excreta; J.Law really does talk about peeing all. the. time.), the reasons why we find her so delightful as a person have become crystal-clear.
Jennifer Lawrence offers the glamour of a movie star with the relatability of your best friend, the one who is constantly making fart jokes under her breath when you know you should be serious. She has killer comedic timing, which elevates what might have otherwise been rote late-night interviews or magazine profiles. She is confident and charismatic, but is also constantly physically falling down. She is so consistently entertaining, even Letterman loved her! She’s friends with the kind of people we’d like to be friends with, and voices the opinions we think but aren’t in a position to leverage. Though J.Law also seemingly has no filter (which makes her seem genuine), she — unlike some of her fellow outspoken peers — almost never says the kind of thoughtless or offensive remark that would hurt feelings or damage her own reputation. That is the core of her appeal as a celebrity: She is constantly slipping up without actually “slipping up.” She also talks about pizza a truly absurd amount, which we as human animals recognize is right and good. Really, there are many reasons she’s this year’s Most Valuable Star, most of which boil down to her chops and choices career-wise, but we figured we’d celebrate J.Law’s more frivolous highlights while we’re at it.
100. Jennifer Lawrence Stars in SNL’s “Top Dog Chef”
More people need to remember that this happened. We all need to remember. The ears! The bow!
99. Jennifer Lawrence Discusses Twerking (in a Not Terrible Way)
“I’m a horrible dancer!” she told the Baltimore Sun. “I’m like a dad at prom. I look like Gumby getting electrocuted.” That woman is like Picasso, painting that word picture.
98. Jennifer Lawrence Plays Chubby Bunny on MTV
She slaps her mouth really hard! I feel like this might be how she eventually will die, and not in a negative way.
97. Jennifer Lawrence Explains Why She Got a Pixie Cut
“My hair couldn’t get uglier,” J.Law joked after receiving a billion questions about why she cut it short.
96. Jennifer Lawrence Defends Her Butt on Letterman
J.Law denies her involvment in an unflattering bikini shot, which anyone who has ever been photographed in a bikini and had that photo published in a tabloid has undoubtedly wanted to do.
95. Jennifer Lawrence Does Her Best Britney Spears and Kate Moss for Vogue
Her Michelle Obama could use a little work, but overall, nailed it.
94. Jennifer Lawrence Plans Her Downward Spiral on Colbert
It won’t be meth-related, though. Bad for the skin. The teeth, too. Bad all around.
93. Jennifer Lawrence Has a Strong Bromance With Hunger Games Co-stars Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson
“There’s no way to say this that doesn’t start rumors, but that night we held each other and slept like puppies,” J.Law said of wrapping Mockingjay — Part 2. Really? Their entire dynamic is puppies! Hot, rich puppies.
92. Jennifer Lawrence Discusses, Oh, Just All the Bodily Fluids on Chelsea Lately
She knows her audience.
91. Jennifer Lawrence Was in a Honey Boo Boo–Related Car Crash on Leno
Leno AND Honey Boo Boo? Were we ever so young?
90. Jennifer Lawrence Sings Taylor Swift With Woody Harrelson
They belt out Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” during his SNL monologue, despite the fact that Jen sounds like “a deer that got caught in a fence,” “a dog being hit by a truck,” AND “a goat that screams like a human.”
89. Jennifer Lawrence Is Afraid of Ghosts
“I actually get comforted when I feel like there might be a burglar in my house, like: ‘There’s a real person that might be breaking into my house, it’s not a ghost, that’s a relief.’” That is the most optimist response imaginable.
88. Jennifer Lawrence Enjoys Casual Nudity
Not sexy nudity. Casual nudity. Intense casual nudity. As evidenced by her shaving her legs naked in front of Zoe Kravitz.
87. Jennifer Lawrence Is Vocal About Her Harry Potter Fandom
She loves Harry Potter the way kids today love The Hunger Games, and so the cycle continues.
86. Jennifer Lawrence Isn’t Afraid to Discuss the Fact That She’s Considered Overweight in Hollywood
“In Hollywood, I’m obese.” It’s terrifying because it’s true! But the moment is delightful because, look, someone has to actually talk about this stuff, even if it’s horrible.
85. Jennifer Lawrence Pees in Bodies of Water, Just Like the Rest of Us
“Anytime you have to pee, you can just run in the water.” She’s just saying what we’re all thinking! Right? RIGHT?
84. Jennifer Lawrence Corners the Market on Incessantly Talking About Food
Only in Hollywood could someone be associated with the general category “food.” As J.Law once explained, “There’s that Kate Moss quote that’s like ‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’ and I can name a lot of things that taste better than skinny feels: bread, potatoes, a Philly cheesesteak and fries.” Liz Lemon would be so proud.
83. Jennifer Lawrence Gets Her Films, and Words, Mixed Up at Comic-Con
“This is the one where I hump squirrels,” she told MTV.
82. Jennifer Lawrence Explains Her Relationship With Pants, Is Every Woman
“If I don’t have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on,” she informed Glamour.
81. Jennifer Lawrence, Again, Like Liz Lemon, Is All About Revealing Her Spanx Situation
“By the time of the actual Oscars, I was so sick of fittings and trains and corsets and people asking “What are you going to wear?” I had to go on a diet, because at all the parties there’s Champagne and hors d’oeuvres. I ate so much! I think I wore two Spanx on the night of the awards,” J.Law told W Magazine. The collective sigh after every award show must blow out all the windows in L.A.
80. Jennifer Lawrence Shares a Hidden Talent
It’s nearly superhuman to do dozens of interviews a day for each movie and still come up with a bit this charming.
79. Jennifer Lawrence Deliberately Gives Herself Hot Stink Breath
For kissing scenes with Hunger Games’ Liam Hemsworth. But of course.
78. Jennifer Lawrence, No. 1 Dance Moms Fan
One of us! One of us! One of us! Something about Oscar winners watching the same reality TV we do makes it feel like reality is bending in on itself, but in a good way.
77. Jennifer Lawrence Considers Herself a Fashion Monkey, Not an Icon
We say “icon,” Jennifer Lawrence says “monkey.” It wasn’t like she was going to SUDDENLY be able to take a compliment, now was it?
76. Jennifer Lawrence Rips Her Childhood Self on Letterman
Jennifer Lawrence’s father laughed at her terrible holiday singing, but who’s laughing now, pops? Probably still him, if their senses of humor are remotely similar.
75. Jennifer Lawrence Plays Something Called Fart Burger With Hunger Games Castmates
“You cup [your fart] and then you throw it in someone’s face and say ‘Take a bite out of that cheeseburger,’” J.Law explained to Entertainment Weekly. This interview was given shortly after she won a Golden Globe for Silver Linings Playbook, so that’s probably why it didn’t immediately become a meme.
74. Jennifer Lawrence Calls The Hunger Games Franchise a “Huge Fucking Failure”
The highlight of the Producer’s Guild Awards, for sure.
73. Jennifer Lawrence Dissects CNN’s Reportage of Her Haircut on The Daily Show
Breaking news: It was that pixie cut.
72. Jennifer Lawrence Does Archery on Spanish TV
She’s always game, even when she doesn’t really speak the language and the co-hosts are little puppets.
71. Jennifer Lawrence Is Essentially Married to Constant Co-star Bradley Cooper
Inasmuch as they “bicker all the time and don’t have sex,” as Lawrence explains to Extra. Ah, the platonic co-star ideal.
70. Jennifer Lawrence Demands Prank Vengeance
Jimmy Fallon bailed on a planned Jennifer Lopez dance bit, leaving Jennifer Lawrence hanging. Can you imagine what it’s like to “feel like a freak” in front of Jennifer Lopez? You don’t wanna know.
69. Jennifer Lawrence Sees Adele in a Fever Dream at the Golden Globes
Luckily, all of Adele’s fans have swollen eyes and look like they haven’t slept in days, what with the weeping and all.
68. Jennifer Lawrence Discusses Her Chest X-Ray on Kimmel
Just imagine any other A-list actress uttering the phrase, “I just hope no one ever sees my breasts in an X-Ray.” Just imagine it.
67. Jennifer Lawrence Recognizes Beyoncé Is Queen of the Universe
Lawrence calls the notion that she’s the planet’s sexiest woman “the lie heard round the world.”
66. Jennifer Lawrence Recovers Like a Champ for Her 2013 Oscar Speech
While the rest of us would have had a complete breakdown, The Yellow Wallpaper–style, after falling on live television, Jennifer Lawrence gracefully joked about biting it in front of millions.
65. Jennifer Lawrence, Walrus Woman
A creative mind cannot, shall not, be stifled.

64. Jennifer Lawrence Plays Fried Chicken Basketball on Fallon
In which she scores with a Shamrock Shake.
63. Jennifer Lawrence Is Buddies With Lorde
Lorde just smiles quietly, savoring dozens of fart jokes.
62. Jennifer Lawrence Bonds With Eddie Redmayne Over Real Housewives
“I feel like I’m going to cry. We’re making a breakthrough,” she declares in Interview.
61. Jennifer Lawrence Tells the New York Times About Her Anxiety
“I have a prescription.” How incredibly scrutinized people don’t constantly talk about their anti-anxiety strategies in every interview is beyond me.
60. Jennifer Lawrence Artfully Handles the Paparazzi
Seems like the only way to keep yourself from going insane.
59. Jennifer Lawrence Is Honest in Her 2014 Golden Globes Speech
“I actually watched all the movies this year. Well, not all of them … but you know what I mean.”
58. Jennifer Lawrence Shoots Her Directorial (Instagram) Debut
Starring Chris Pratt, Aziz Ansari, and a swing. Of course, Amy Schumer is involved too.
57. Jennifer Lawrence Compares Herself to a Peeing Chihuahua on Letterman
“I’m like a Chihuahua! I’m shaking and peeing!” she says of her red-carpet anxiety. The number of times J.Law blurts out jokes about bodily fluids is directly proportional to how endeared her fans are to her. It’s science.
56. Jennifer Lawrence Takes a Shot Immediately After Winning an Oscar
“I’m sorry, I did a shot,” J.Law explained while fielding questions after her Best Actress win in 2013. Of course it only made her responses better.
55. Jennifer Lawrence Calls Taylor Swift “a Badass Bitch”
In response to Swift’s open letter to Apple this summer. The highest compliment.
54. Jennifer Lawrence Is Hilarious on Between Two Ferns
“You should be off pudding …You shouldn’t eat any more pudding.”
53. Jennifer Lawrence Checks Up on Josh Hutcherson’s Rash on Live TV
Glad to hear it’s doing well.

52. Jennifer Lawrence Appears in This Inexplicable Photo
She drew that on herself, didn’t she?
51. Jennifer Lawrence Explains Her “Pieces” on the Oscars Red Carpet
“This is the top. This is the bottom.” This is love.
50. Jennifer Lawrence Says Good-bye When David Letterman Retires
Kind of devastating.
49. Jennifer Lawrence Dominates “Name That Jen” on Live With Kelly and Michael
Which J.Law quote is more charming? The shrieked “I am killing it!” or “Well, that’s silly.” This is a trick question! They are both clearly the most charming!
48. Jennifer Lawrence Spills Her Mints During a Press Conference
Playing it real cool.
47. Jennifer Lawrence Charts With Hunger Games’ “The Hanging Tree”
Despite J.Law’s claim that an armpit fart noise would have hit the Billboard Hot 100 if it had been featured in Mockingjay Part 1, this song is still good.
46. Jennifer Lawrence Gives Us This Cake Balls GIF
A gift to the internet, courtesy of that time Josh Hutcherson made cake balls, apparently.
45. Jennifer Lawrence Also Gives Us a Universal Sassy Wink GIF
Courtesy of a Kimmel interview.
44. Jennifer Lawrence Kisses Natalie Dormer on The Mockingjay — Part 2 Red Carpet
So few of us could accidentally smooch our co-workers and play it off with such charm, but hey, that’s why this list is about Jennifer Lawrence and not us.
43. Jennifer Lawrence Plays “Box of Lies” on the Tonight Show
Jennifer Lawrence and Jimmy Fallon, weeping into the mirror that is each other’s face, forever. Plus we all knew the box joke was coming, but isn’t that why we watched?
42. Jennifer Lawrence Volunteers
In addition to being genetically flawless and constantly talking about excreta, Jennifer Lawrence seems to be by all accounts a decent human being. Which is nice.
41. Jennifer Lawrence Explains, at Length, How Movies Are “Stupid”
“I’m not saving anybody’s life,” she told Vanity Fair. “There are doctors who save lives and firemen who run into burning buildings. I’m making movies. It’s stupid.’” But … but … but Winter’s Bone! Yeah, okay, fair.
40. Jennifer Lawrence Is Genuinely an Amazing Actress, Especially in Winter’s Bone
It’s nice to remind ourselves that, underneath the fart joke, Jennifer Lawrence is hard-core.
39. Jennifer Lawrence Fangirls Over Bill Murray at Comic-Con
As she should.
38. Jennifer Lawrence Lays Into the People Who Profited From Her Nude Photo Hack
Okay, this isn’t exactly a “delightful” thing Jennifer Lawrence did, but it was angry and accurate, all of which inspires its own kind of delight.
37. Jennifer Lawrence Discusses the Structural Integrity of Her Hymen With Vogue
“Literally zero magic has happened in here,” J.Law cheerily informed Vogue’s Jonathan Van Meter while touring her bedroom. “Cheers to my hymen growing back!”
36. Jennifer Lawrence Is a Maniac on the Floor in Silver Linings Playbook’s Final Dance
A certain percentage of J.Law’s charm is dance-based. According to this list, at least three.
35. Jennifer Lawrence Regrets Not Flashing a Boob for Ellen at the Oscars
J.Law wished she had slipped a nip to give Ellen’s Oscar selfie that extra boost.
34. Jennifer Lawrence Falls, Yet Again, at the Mockingjay — Part 2 Madrid Premiere
Third time’s the charm when it comes to toppling over on a red carpet. It’s her signature move.
33. Jennifer Lawrence Is Writing a Movie With Amy Schumer
Jen charmingly spilled the beans to the New York Times about the screenplay, in which Lawrence and Schumer play sisters. Plus Schums must have lost the coin toss, because J.Law is playing the trainwreck this time.
32. Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer Are Also Jet Ski Buddies
The movie basically writes itself. You already have the Jet Skis!
31. Jennifer Lawrence Fights the American Hustle Microwave Fire
Beware the science oven.
30. Jennifer Lawrence Calls Herself a Troll on Letterman
“Don’t go see the movie, because I’m a troll.” Where all the endearing self-deprecation began, back in 2012. Well, it probably started the second Jennifer Lawrence could form coherent sentences, but it’s one of her first stand-out interviews as a burgeoning star.

29. Jennifer Lawrence Flipped the Bird in Her Oscar Gown
Eloquent elegance.
28. Jennifer Lawrence Jokes About Her SAG “Wardrobe Malfunction” in Vogue
“I planned it. I was concerned people would start talking about the award that I won, and my acting, so I thought I’d pull a stunt just to get things back to where they need to be.” Yup, our collective cultural thirst for a wardrobe malfunction is preeeeetty gross.
27. Jennifer Lawrence Stalks John Stamos at a Party
Pervert guy on mushrooms, or Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence? It’s a fine, fine line.
26. Jennifer Lawrence Screams ‘Your Ass Is Mine, Stone’ at the Oscars
Like a beautiful WWE villain coming for you, Emma Stone.
25. Jennifer Lawrence Meets Brad Pitt, Reports Back About His Scent
He smells like sandalwood, apparently. Or at least he did at the 2014 Oscars.
24. Jennifer Lawrence Asks Woody Harrelson If He Had a Sex Swing
It was a perfectly reasonable question. Yoga swings and sex swings look very, very, very similar.
23. Jennifer Lawrence Goes Down Like a Ton of Bricks on the 2014 Oscars Red Carpet
The second Oscars fall, but somehow the more dramatic one. She looks like she’s sliding into a sinkhole.
22. Jennifer Lawrence Immediately Acknowledges Her Hand Tattoo Is Incorrect
It would be extremely off-brand to try to bluff her way through that one.
21. Jennifer Lawrence Flubs While Presenting at the GLAAD Awards
President Gill Clinton, everybody.
20. Jennifer Lawrence Trips at the 2013 Oscars
The fall that launched a thousand GIFs, and made you wonder how every other celebrity has avoided biting it hard up until now. What are they, robots?
19. Jennifer Lawrence Carries Aziz Ansari like a Backpack
As if Dora the Explorer and Backpack were millionaires. When you’re J.Law’s friend, your personal space is now HER personal space.
18. Jennifer Lawrence Meets Brody From Homeland, Completely Loses Her Shit
That weird white wall can’t shield you from your excitement, Jen.
17. Jennifer Lawrence Gets Real About Her Serious GI Problems on Letterman
“You can only shit your pants so many times a day before you have to go to the emergency room.” Truer words.
16. Jennifer Lawrence Photobombs SJP at the Met Gala
For the love of the game.

15. Jennifer Lawrence Belts Out Cher’s “Believe” on Conan
As a result, we do (believe).
14. Jennifer Lawrence Hangs Out With Emma Watson
Just two friends being normal at Paris Fashion Week.
13. Jennifer Lawrence Talks About Butt Plugs on Conan
In which Jennifer Lawrence’s friend’s joke-purchase really panned out.
12. Jennifer Lawrence Barfs at Madonna’s House After the Oscars
We assume J.Law joined a long, impressive list that night.
11. Jennifer Lawrence Meets Jeff Bridges at Comic-Con
And reacts like she’s been struck by really happy lightning.
10. Jennifer Lawrence Photobombs Taylor Swift at the 2014 Golden Globes
The only person who has comically snuck up behind Taylor Swift and lived to tell the tale.
9. Jennifer Lawrence Worries About Her “Armpit Vagina” at the SAG awards
Live! From the SAG Awards red carpet! It’s J.Law and the Armpit Vaginas!
8. Jennifer Lawrence Associates Her Brand Very Closely With Pizza
Ohhhhh. You know what? Jennifer Lawrence might be the human equivalent of pizza.
7. Jennifer Lawrence Is Interview-Bombed by Jack Nicholson at the Oscars
“Do I look like a new girlfriend?” is such a solid retort. The Oscar for Best Actress for Silver Linings Playbook of retorts.
6. Jennifer Lawrence Dances With Amy Schumer to “Uptown Girl” on Billy Joel’s Piano
The beginning of a beautiful … what’s the female version of a bromance? Oh, right. A friendship. The beginning of a beautiful friendship.
5. Jennifer Lawrence Name-Checks Mean Girls at the 2013 People’s Choice Awards
A reference worthy of two gift certificates to the Walker Bros. Pancake House. Plus that dress is amazing, and that hairdo must have taken hours, and she looks really pretty.
4. Jennifer Lawrence Instagrammed Herself in Bed With Kris Jenner
For J.Law’s 25th birthday, Kris Jenner brought her a shit-shaped cake that read “Happy Birthday You Piece of Shit.” Then they took this photo. Either the photo or the cake could easily be considered the greatest thing Kris Jenner has ever done.
3. Jennifer Lawrence Gets Into That “Live and Let Die” Lip Sync in American Hustle
You know you cringed at and loved J.Law’s lip sync in equal parts. You know you did. You know you did. You know you did.
2. Jennifer Lawrence Declares “I Beat Meryl!” at the Golden Globes
J.Law had to clarify afterward she was quoting First Wives Club while accepting her Best Actress Golden Globe in 2013, and we should all be embarrassed we didn’t get the reference the first time around (First Wives Club is underrated!).
1. Jennifer Lawrence Pens an Excellent Rumination on Equal Pay
Even if you don’t find J.Law particularly charming or hilarious, it’s hard not to respect her decision to go there in her piece on pay inequality for Lena Dunham’s Lenny newsletter. Also, you are wrong. She’s actually pretty funny.