i'm so thirsty

David Spade Calls President Obama ‘Thirsty,’ Hmmm

Thirst wars.

Do you know what’s been giving Joe Dirt 2 star David Spade the holiday blues? The Obamas! They’re everywhere! They’re like celebrities! President Obama was on the cover of GQ, Michelle Obama goes on Ellen like, all the time! Okay, well, maybe she’s only been on Ellen twice, but do you know who wants to be on Ellen more, and be lauded on the cover of GQ as an important, influential, really cool dude? You guessed right: David Spade. Spade told TMZ that President Obama should have more “dignity” than to appear on Bear Grylls’s show. “What president’s doing reality shows? It just sounds weird to me,” Spade mused. “Michelle Obama’s on Ellen more than I am … It just seems a bit thirsty to me.” Sure, guy, that’s what’s happening here. By the way, Dave, do you need a glass of water? Your mustache looks parched.

David Spade Calls President Obama ‘Thirsty’