the vulture tv podcast

Jessica Jones and Netflix’s Unprecedented Year of Television

In 2014, Netflix released two purely original series: BoJack Horseman and Marco Polo. This year it quintupled that number, putting out ten brand-new originals, from Bloodline to Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp to its year-end triple-whammy, Master of None, W/ Bob and David, and Marvel’s Jessica Jones. On this week’s episode of “The Vulture TV Podcast,” we talk about what it means to be a Netflix show, the streaming network’s latest critical hit, Jessica Jones, and its long-term Marvel game plan. We’re joined by Vulture’s resident Marvel zombie, Abraham Riesman, who enlightens us on the story behind the series and battles it out with Margaret for the final word: Is Jessica Jones as good as everyone says it is?

Further reading: The stunning rise of Netflix; Matt Zoller Seitz reviews Jessica Jones; why Kilgrave is Marvel’s best onscreen villain yet; Abraham Riesman’s Jessica Jones explainer.

Tune in to “The Vulture TV Podcast,” produced by the Slate Group’s Panoply, every Tuesday, on iTunes or SoundCloudAnd please send us your burning TV questions! Tweet us @Vulture, email [email protected], or leave us a voice mail at 646-504-7673.

Jessica Jones and Netflix’s Big Year