So, you’ve finally seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens! We’re sure you’ve got plenty you want to discuss, but since you can’t take those spoilers to social media, why don’t you dive into the comments below to discuss the film’s major reveals with like-minded early viewers?
Here are a couple of topics to discuss. (SPOILERS abound, obviously.)
1. The death of Han Solo! Did you cry! Did you yell? Did you mutter, “Get on with it,” since you had a hunch that Harrison would die and his face-off with Kylo Ren was clearly building toward a murderous twist? And did you think, given how important Han Solo has been to this franchise and its characters, that his death was given its due?
2. What do you think Rey’s backstory is, given that this franchise is rife with Secret Families? Could she be Luke’s daughter? Did he hide her on Jakku to protect her, just like he was once secreted away on Tatooine? And whom was she initially entrusted with, given that someone is holding her arm in the childhood flashback?
3. Were you frustrated by the film’s literal deus ex machina, the moment that R2-D2 wakes up with the Luke map (his revival seemingly triggered by little more than the fact that the movie is ending)?
4. Were you a little bummed that Rey, Finn, and Poe never got to have a significant trio moment together? And do you feel a romantic spark between Rey and Finn, or were you shipping two other random characters like some weird perv? It’s okay, you can tell us.
5. Did your audience laugh when Kylo Ren took off his helmet, too? It was filmed like some big portentous reveal, and then … nope, it’s just Adam Driver with long hair. (His hair did look great, admittedly. So shiny!)
6. Are you ready for an Episode VIII where villains Adam Driver and Benicio Del Toro have a Method mumble-off?
Talk among yourselves!