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Yep, Girls Will End After Season 6


Back in September, Lena Dunham told her Lenny newsletter that she thought Girls should probably end after its sixth season. ”We’re starting to think about sort of how to wrap up the story lines of these particular young women,” she said. “I started working on this show when I was 23, and now I’m going to be 30 so it kind of feels right that this show kind of sandwiched my 20s and then I go off into the world!” Now, amazingly, it appears the show’s writer, director, and star has gotten her wish: As first reported by E! and later confirmed by HBO, season six will indeed be the season we say good-bye to Girls. The final episodes of Girls are expected to air in 2017 — which, coincidentally, is also the year you’ll finally be priced out of Greenpoint.

Girls Will End After Season 6