We’ll tell this story like the plot of Grease: Back before school started, Amy Adams and TV hung out. They weren’t going steady, but she stopped by Smallville, Buffy, and even romanced Jim on The Office. Then, school started and Adams got all serious. It was time for film work: Enchanted, Doubt, hanging out with Meryl Streep. She had her fun on the awards circuit, but something wasn’t quite right. She was out of her head, hopelessly devoted to … TV, which stewed around for a while, but finally decided it better shape up. Mad Men came out. People started talking about a Golden Age. Streaming services expanded their programming. And now, like Danny Zuko transforming into a jock, TV is ready to woo Adams, while Adams is ready to be TV’s dark antiheroine. The actress has joined a television adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s debut novel Sharp Objects, which is set to be written by Marti Noxon (UnREAL, Mad Men, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and directed by Jean-Marc Vallée (Wild and The Dallas Buyers Club). The novel follows a reporter (Adams) who returns to her home in Missouri to cover the murders of two preteen girls. The project doesn’t have a home yet, but it’s being taken to cable and streaming services, which means that Adams, a five-time Oscar nominee, could win an Emmy first. Long live TV!