John Landgraf was aware that Louis C.K. was going to drop Horace and Pete, and you’d better believe he wanted it for FX, or he’s not the guy who coined the phrase peak TV. “I knew it was coming,” Landgraf told THR. “He called me before we closed our overall deal in July 2015, and he said, ‘Just so you know, I’m going to do this other thing,’ And I said, ‘You don’t want to do that with us?’ He said, ‘No, I don’t want to market it, I don’t want to publicize it, I don’t want to have any investors in it or people whose needs I have to satisfy other than my own. I specifically want to self-finance this and I want to drop it on the Internet through my site with no prior notice.’” Of course, as the story goes, that’s exactly what he did! “Honestly, what do you say to someone who is that audaciously ambitious?” says Landgraf. “You stand back in awe and say, ‘Go for it, my brother.’”