Pretty Little Liars’ resident troublemaker Mona Vanderwaal (played with great panache by Janel Parrish) made a much-awaited return to the show on Tuesday, in a role that perfectly suits her: campaign strategist for the Pennsylvania Senate candidate running against Spencer Hastings’ mother. “What surprises me is that Mona is working for the campaign against Spencer,” Parrish told us earlier this week. “It’s amusing because those two have always had a bit of a rivalry, so it’s fun to see that five years later there’s still a rivalry going on.”
As is the standard with Mona, it’s unknown whether her motives this season are inherently good or bad. “It’s always a little unclear,” she says. “Mona is only on her own side. As an actress, I’m never told what her motives are — the showrunners keep it a secret. I’m constantly playing Mona like she knows something that other people don’t know.”
Those keen to learn more about Mona’s life during the five-year time-jump will have to wait indefinitely. “For the rest of the season we won’t learn anything, because they’re dealing with this new mystery of who killed Charlotte,” Parrish says. “But maybe, I hope, in season seven we will.” Do expect to see more of Mona this season, though. “Yes, I’ll be back. With a few more uncomfortable run-ins,” she laughs. “More confrontations with Spencer. You know how Mona is, she always interjects herself when she’s not wanted.”