paris attacks

Eagles of Death Metal Frontman Apologizes for Implying Bataclan Security Had Advance Knowledge of Paris Attack [Updated]

Eagles Of Death Metal Perform In Munich
Hughes. Photo: Stefan M. Prager/Getty Images

Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes is continuing to speak out on last November’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Hughes recently blamed France’s gun-control laws for not doing enough to prevent the attacks at Le Bataclan, where his band was playing when 89 people were killed. Now he tells Fox Business, in an interview that aired Wednesday night, that security at the venue may have had prior knowledge about the attacks. When asked if he remembers anything from that night that seemed “off,” he notes feeling uneasy about backstage security. “When I first got to the venue and walked in, I walked past the dude who was supposed to be the security guard for the backstage. He didn’t even look at me, ” he recalls. “I immediately went to the promoter and said, ‘Who’s that guy? I want to put another dude on,’ and he goes, ‘Well, some of the other guards aren’t here yet.’ And eventually I found out that six or so wouldn’t show up at all.” Because a police investigation is still ongoing, Hughes says he doesn’t want to make any definitive accusations about security’s involvement, except this: “It seems rather obvious that they had a reason not to show up.” The second part of his interview airs Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET.

Update, March 11: Le Bataclan has issued a statement denying Hughes’s “insane” claims. “Jesse Hughes spread some very grave and defamatory accusations against the Bataclan teams,” a Bataclan rep tells Variety. “A judicial investigation is undergoing. We wish to let justice proceed serenely. All the testimonies gathered to this day demonstrate the professionalism and courage of the security agents who were on the ground on November 13. Hundreds of people were saved thanks to [these agents’] intervention.”

Update, March 12: Jesse Hughes has issued a statement apologizing for his “absurd accusations.” “I humbly beg forgiveness from the people of France, the staff and security of the Bataclan, my fans, family, friends and anyone else hurt or offended by the absurd accusations I made in my Fox Business Channel interview. My suggestions that anyone affiliated with the Bataclan played a role in the events of November 13 are unfounded and baseless — and I take full responsibility for them. They do not reflect opinions of my bandmates or anyone associated with Eagles of Death Metal. The shame is 100 percent mine. I’ve been dealing with nonstop nightmares and struggling through therapy to make sense of this tragedy and insanity. I haven’t been myself since November 13. I realize there’s no excuse for my words, but for what it’s worth: I am sincerely sorry for having hurt, disrespected or accused anyone.”

EODM Frontman: Bataclan Security Knew of Attack