The producers of Game of Thrones say their upcoming battle is the show’s biggest ever, and why would they lie? “In terms of numbers — number of extras, number of stuntmen, number of shooting days — it’s the biggest we’ve done,” showrunner David Benioff told EW. As writer Bryan Cogman recalled, “We’ve always wanted to get to a place — story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise — where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side.” Yes, that is the literal definition of a battle, you might think. But hasn’t Game of Thrones had many of those? Apparently not, as there was always something getting in the way. Sometimes it was a river, sometimes it was a wall, sometimes it was a wooden fence. But now, in the upcoming season, you will see two large groups of men angrily crash into each other just like they were meant to. The producers take pains not to spoil who those large groups of men are, but if you’re the type of person who wants to find out things early and then pretend to your friends like you correctly guessed it, click here.