Exit: Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Enter: Night. Take my hand, we need to find a new Sandman. Gordon-Levitt shared a Facebook post last night in which he said that, due to creative differences between himself and New Line cinema, he is done trying to make that Sandman adaptation, man. “I came to realize that the folks at New Line and I just don’t see eye to eye on what makes Sandman special,” Gordon-Levitt wrote, “and what a film adaptation could/should be. So unfortunately, I decided to remove myself from the project.” The news, as Deadline reports, comes one day after The Conjuring 2 and Final Destination 5’s Eric Heisserer had been recruited as a screenwriter for the project. Neil Gaiman, meanwhile, who created the Sandman series and is an executive producer for the film adaptation, has sent a supportive message to Gordon-Levitt on Twitter proving that those two at least have taken the long view of the project. As they say, like Sandman adaptations through a studio development process, so too are the days of our lives.