Do you ever get confused by the world of Game of Thrones? Or feel as though you’re the person Ygritte was addressing when she would say, “You know nothing”? It’s understandable if so—it takes maester-like focus to track five seasons’ worth of shifting alliances, malicious schemes, and murder plots, to say nothing of simply determining where all the characters are geographically located at a given moment.
Lest you worry that you’ll be the only one left out in the cold when winter finally comes, Vulture has sorted it all out for you. Our interactive character ring maps out the relationship dynamics at work in the show, all easily sortable using the filters on the side. Want to learn who’s in cahoots? Or remind yourself who’s still married? Just check the appropriate boxes—and to see how those connections have changed over the course of the show, use the chronological slider at the top. It’s a refresher on how the game has been played in seasons one through five, just in time for the start of season six on April 24. Knowledge is a weapon—maybe not as coveted as Valyrian Steel, but certainly easier to come by.

Killed/Killed ByWildlings/Free Folk
The White Walkers attack Hardhome with their army of the dead, and the wildlings don't stand a chance.
Killed/Killed ByNight's Watch
The Night's Watch evacuate as many of the wildlings as they can from Hardhome once the wights attack.

Killed/Killed ByJon Snow
Jon Snow manages to kill one White Walker with his Valyrian steel sword — so between that and dragonglass, we have two weapons that work against them.

Killed/Killed ByWhite Walkers
The White Walkers attack Hardhome with their army of the dead, and the wildlings don't stand a chance.
AllianceNight's Watch
It's not easy, but the wildlings and Night's Watch reach a truce — in exchange for helping defend against the White Walkers, the wildlings can settle in the farmlands to the south of the Wall, known as the Gift.

AllianceJon Snow
Jon Snow makes an impassioned speech that wins over the wildlings at Hardhome.

AllianceJon Snow
Tormund kills the Lord of Bones when he won't even hear what Jon Snow has to say.

Killed/Killed ByWhite Walkers
The Night's Watch evacuate as many of the wildlings as they can from Hardhome once the wights attack.
AllianceWildlings/Free Folk
It's not easy, but the wildlings and Night's Watch reach a truce — in exchange for helping defend against the White Walkers, the wildlings can settle in the farmlands to the south of the Wall, known as the Gift.

Killed/Killed ByJon Snow
Even though Alliser Thorne lifted the gate and allowed the wildlings to pass, he believes that Lord Snow's alliance with the free folk is treason, and he leads a mutiny to kill him.

Killed/Killed ByWhite Walkers
Jon Snow manages to kill one White Walker with his Valyrian steel sword — so between that and dragonglass, we have two weapons that work against them.
AllianceWildlings/Free Folk
Jon Snow makes an impassioned speech that wins over the wildlings at Hardhome.

AllianceTormund Giantsbane
Tormund kills the Lord of Bones when he won't even hear what Jon Snow has to say.

Killed/Killed ByAlliser Thorne
Even though Alliser Thorne lifted the gate and allowed the wildlings to pass, he believes that Lord Snow's alliance with the free folk is treason, and he leads a mutiny to kill him.

AllianceSamwell Tarly
Sam leaves to go study at the Citadel in Oldtown, heeding Jon's advice that becoming a maester is the best way he can help the fight.

AllianceJon Snow
Sam leaves to go study at the Citadel in Oldtown, heeding Jon's advice that becoming a maester is the best way he can help the fight.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalRoose Bolton
Sansa Stark marries Ramsay Bolton, but it's a brutal union.
EnemiesHouse Lannister
In addition to the ongoing Cersei–Sansa hatefest, Arya Stark takes revenge against one of the Lannister's guards, Ser Meryn Trant — a child molester who beat her sister and killed her Braavosi swordfighting instructor, Syrio Forel.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalRamsay Snow
This is Sansa's second marriage, and, technically, because her marriage to Tyrion was not officially put aside for its lack of consummation, she becomes a bigamist here. That's the least of her worries with Ramsay, however, as he starts to abuse her as soon as the wedding ceremony is over.

Ward/PrisonerRoose Bolton
After the wedding ceremony, Sansa is essentially kept locked in her room, allowed only periodic trips around Winterfell when accompanied by Ramsay.

AllianceTheon Greyjoy
Sansa reaches out to Theon/Reek for help, and while at first he struggles with it, he eventually tells her the truth — that Bran and Rickon are alive — and helps her escape, killing Ramsay's lover, Myranda, in the process.

AllianceBrienne of Tarth
Brienne finds a way to send a message to Sansa — light a candle and put it in the window of the Broken Tower, and she'll come aid her. Brienne watches that window for ages, but goes missing when it counts.

It's ComplicatedLittlefinger
On the one hand, Littlefinger told Sansa he was placing her with the Boltons because it was the one place the Lannisters would never find her. But then, the first chance he gets, he tells Cersei that Sansa is with the Boltons — so much for playing the protector. Did he know that Ramsay would mistreat her as well?

EnemiesCersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister is furious when she hears the Boltons have Sansa, and she asks Littlefinger to prove his loyalty by putting Sansa's head on a spike.
Severely Injured/Severely Injured ByFaceless Men
After going rogue and killing someone on her private kill list (versus the list of people the Faceless Men assign her to kill), Arya is magically blinded as punishment.

EnemiesCersei Lannister
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.

EnemiesThe Mountain
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
EnemiesHouse Frey
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.

If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
EnemiesHouse Stark
The Boltons might have a Stark marriage alliance, but that does not cause them to treat Sansa well.

Ward/PrisonerSansa Stark
After the wedding ceremony, Sansa is essentially kept locked in her room, allowed only periodic trips around Winterfell when accompanied by Ramsay.
Marriage Alliance/BetrothalHouse Stark
Sansa Stark marries Ramsay Bolton, but it's a brutal union.
Marriage Alliance/BetrothalHouse Frey
Roose's wife, Walda Frey, would be wise to stay away from Ramsay Bolton during her pregnancy.

EnemiesStannis Baratheon
Their forces face off on the battlefield, and the Boltons emerge victorious.

Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who won the battle.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalSansa Stark
This is Sansa's second marriage, and, technically, because her marriage to Tyrion was not officially put aside for its lack of consummation, she becomes a bigamist here. That's the least of her worries with Ramsay, however, as he starts to abuse her as soon as the wedding ceremony is over.

It's ComplicatedTheon Greyjoy/Reek
Theon starts becoming Theon again under the influence of Sansa, and eventually is able to shake his damaged Reek persona long enough to help her escape.

EnemiesStannis Baratheon
Ramsay takes 20 men and sneaks into Stannis's camp, burning their supplies and siege weapons. He then leads the attack on their weakened forces, reveling in the resulting bloodbath.

AllianceSansa Stark
Sansa reaches out to Theon/Reek for help, and while at first he struggles with it, he eventually tells her the truth — that Bran and Rickon are alive — and helps her escape, killing Ramsay's lover, Myranda, in the process.

It's ComplicatedRamsay Bolton
Theon starts becoming Theon again under the influence of Sansa, and eventually is able to shake his damaged Reek persona long enough to help her escape.

EnemiesArya Stark
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalRoose Bolton
Roose's wife, Walda Frey, would be wise to stay away from Ramsay Bolton during her pregnancy.
EnemiesHouse Stark
In addition to the ongoing Cersei–Sansa hatefest, Arya Stark takes revenge against one of the Lannister's guards, Ser Meryn Trant — a child molester who beat her sister and killed her Braavosi swordfighting instructor, Syrio Forel.
BetrayalHouse Martell
Myrcella was under the protection of House Martell, and they failed her.
Marriage Alliance/BetrothalHouse Tyrell
This alliance is shaky at best.

EnemiesStannis Baratheon
The crown has one less king to worry about.
EnemiesHouse Baratheon
Stannis makes one last grand effort at being king — but the Lannisters no longer have anything to worry about from this side of the family, unless Gendry resurfaces.

EnemiesSansa Stark
Cersei Lannister is furious when she hears the Boltons have Sansa, and she asks Littlefinger to prove his loyalty by putting Sansa's head on a spike.

EnemiesArya Stark
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
EnemiesHouse Tyrell
Cersei keeps saying she had nothing to do with the arrest of Loras, but everyone knows it's not true.

EnemiesMargaery Tyrell
Margaery blames Cersei for her own arrest — and detests her for gloating about it. The masks are off.

Whether he gives Olenna a witness against Cersei or not, Littlefinger is playing both sides, the Lannisters versus the Tyrells.

SchemesOlenna Tyrell
Olenna Tyrell does not for one minute believe Cersei is completely blameless, and conspires to punish Cersei for going after Loras and Margaery via the Faith Militant.

It's ComplicatedJaime Lannister
Cersei entrusted Jaime to bring back their daughter, but now two of their three children are dead.
Ward/PrisonerFaith Militant
The tables are turned on Cersei when the Faith Militant arrest her for crimes worse than those Loras and Margaery are accused of — incest, adultery, regicide, and more. The only way out of her cell is to confess her sins and take a walk of shame before her trial.

BetrayalLancel Lannister
Lancel Lannister — her former lover, her cousin — tells the High Sparrow that, together, Cersei and he conspired to kill King Robert, among other things.

EnemiesTyrion Lannister
Cersei still hates him, but she's got bigger enemies to worry about, and her own trial coming up.

Qyburn is the only one who comes to visit her in the cell.

AllianceThe Mountain
Blue-skinned, mute, and operating under the alias Ser Robert Strong, the revived (and possibly undead?) Mountain is Cersei's new knight in shining armor.

It's ComplicatedCersei Lannister
Cersei entrusted Jaime to bring back their daughter, but now two of their three children are dead.

AllianceBrienne of Tarth
Brienne continues to offer her protection to Sansa, per her oath to Jaime, although she skips out during a crucial moment.

Bronn helps Jaime on his quest to rescue a princess who doesn't want rescuing.
Ward/PrisonerHouse Martell
Jaime is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes.

EnemiesCersei Lannister
Cersei still hates him, but she's got bigger enemies to worry about, and her own trial coming up.

Varys finds his way back to Tyrion, after getting separated on the road. Together, they might be able to help rule Meereen in Dany's absence.

AllianceDaenerys Targaryen
Jorah brings Tyrion to Dany as a potential adviser, and, given that she needs a political strategist who understands Westeros, the two make a good pair.

BetrayalCersei Lannister
Lancel Lannister — her former lover, her cousin — tells the High Sparrow that, together, Cersei and he conspired to kill King Robert, among other things.
Killed/Killed ByHouse Martell
Ellaria Sand wanted to cause a war by killing Myrcella, and though her first kidnapping attempt fails, she finally gets the last word with her poisoned good-bye kiss.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalMargaery Tyrell
Tommen proves to be ineffectual when Margaery needs him most. Even though he's the king — and he could revoke his own decree that gave the Faith Militant their power — he sits and does nothing when his wife and his mother are both arrested by the Faith.
EnemiesHouse Lannister
Stannis makes one last grand effort at being king — but the Lannisters no longer have anything to worry about from this side of the family, unless Gendry resurfaces.

EnemiesRoose Bolton
Their forces face off on the battlefield, and the Boltons emerge victorious.

EnemiesRamsay Bolton
Ramsay takes 20 men and sneaks into Stannis's camp, burning their supplies and siege weapons. He then leads the attack on their weakened forces, reveling in the resulting bloodbath.
EnemiesHouse Lannister
The crown has one less king to worry about.

Melisandre convinces Stannis to sacrifice his own daughter Shireen to the Lord of Light, predicting this will help the snows melt and pave their way to Winterfell. But when his army collapses and his wife commits suicide in the face of this atrocity, she deserts him and makes her way back to Castle Black, realizing her visions of victory were horribly wrong.

Killed/Killed ByBrienne of Tarth
After he fights the Boltons, Brienne finds Stannis wounded and defenseless. She asks about him killing his younger brother, Renly, and he admits it. And he seems to accept his fate, telling her "Do your duty" before she raises her sword to bring justice to her beloved Renly's murderer.
AllianceIron Bank
Stannis's provisionary loan didn't quite get him far enough.

Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who wins the battle.
Marriage Alliance/BetrothalHouse Lannister
This alliance is shaky at best.

EnemiesCersei Lannister
Cersei keeps saying she had nothing to do with the arrest of Loras, but everyone knows it's not true.
Ward/PrisonerFaith Militant
Loras is given a preliminary inquest hearing, where Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against him regarding their forbidden sexual relationship. Loras is taken away to await trial.

EnemiesCersei Lannister
Margaery blames Cersei for her own arrest — and detests her for gloating about it. The masks are off.

Marriage Alliance/BetrothalTommen Baratheon
Tommen proves to be ineffectual when Margaery needs him most. Even though he's the king — and he could revoke his own decree that gave the Faith Militant their power — he sits and does nothing when his wife and his mother are both arrested by the Faith.
Ward/PrisonerFaith Militant
When Margaery testifies that her brother is not a homosexual and she had no knowledge of his committing any such acts, Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against her as well, saying she walked in on a Loras–Olyvar encounter and setting her up for perjury charges.

SchemesCersei Lannister
Olenna Tyrell does not for one minute believe Cersei is completely blameless, and conspires to punish Cersei for going after Loras and Margaery via the Faith Militant.

Olenna reminds Littlefinger that together they murdered a king, and they need to work together. He offers her what he says he gave Cersei — a young man as a source of sexual scandal. In Cersei's case, he's referring to sex worker Olyvar. In this case, he's pointing her in the direction of Lancel Lannister, who can offer damning testimony against his queenly cousin.
BetrayalHouse Lannister
Myrcella was under the protection of House Martell, and they failed her.

Ward/PrisonerJaime Lannister
Jaime is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes.

Killed/Killed ByMyrcella Baratheon
Ellaria Sand wanted to cause a war by killing Myrcella, and though her first kidnapping attempt fails, she finally gets the last word with her poisoned good-bye kiss.

Bronn is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes, and is nearly poisoned to death by the same concoction used to kill Myrcella. He is also later punished for punching the prince.

It's ComplicatedVarys
Tyrion and Dany talk about Varys's role, and Tyrion suggests that Varys has helped keep her alive over the years — despite facilitating an assassination attempt at least once.

AllianceTyrion Lannister
Jorah brings Tyrion to Dany as a potential adviser, and, given that she needs a political strategist who understands Westeros, the two make a good pair.
The Unsullied try to defend Dany against the pro-slavery insurgents called the Sons of the Harpy, but they're ill-equipped for guerilla-warfare tactics.

AllianceJorah Mormont
Jorah finally finds his way back to Dany via Meereen's gladiatorial fighting pits, with Tyrion in tow. At first, she exiles him again. But then, the oh-so-persistent Jorah shows up one more time, and when he helps save her from the Sons of the Harpy attack, it appears she forgives him.

AllianceDaenerys Targaryen
The Unsullied try to defend Dany against the pro-slavery insurgents called the Sons of the Harpy, but they're ill-equipped for guerilla-warfare tactics.

AllianceStannis Baratheon
Stannis's provisionary loan didn't quite get him far enough.

Severely Injured/Severely Injured ByArya Stark
After going rogue and killing someone on her private kill list (versus the list of people the Faceless Men assign her to kill), Arya is magically blinded as punishment.

EnemiesArya Stark
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.

AllianceStannis Baratheon
Melisandre convinces Stannis to sacrifice his own daughter Shireen to the Lord of Light, predicting this will help the snows melt and pave their way to Winterfell. But when his army collapses and his wife commits suicide in the face of this atrocity, she deserts him and makes her way back to Castle Black, realizing her visions of victory were horribly wrong.

EnemiesBrienne of Tarth
One down, one more to go.

Ward/PrisonerCersei Lannister
The tables are turned on Cersei when the Faith Militant arrest her for crimes worse than those Loras and Margaery are accused of — incest, adultery, regicide, and more. The only way out of her cell is to confess her sins and take a walk of shame before her trial.

Ward/PrisonerLoras Tyrell
Loras is given a preliminary inquest hearing, where Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against him regarding their forbidden sexual relationship. Loras is taken away to await trial.

Ward/PrisonerMargaery Tyrell
When Margaery testifies that her brother is not a homosexual and she had no knowledge of his committing any such acts, Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against her as well, saying she walked in on a Loras–Olyvar encounter and setting her up for perjury charges.

AllianceCersei Lannister
Qyburn is the only one who comes to visit her in the cell.

AllianceThe Mountain
Qyburn's "work" reveals itself when he introduces Cersei's new champion, Ser Robert Strong, who apparently has taken a vow of silence — or just can't speak, because he's kind of a zombie Frankenstein. Either way, Qyburn seems to be in control of him.

AllianceTyrion Lannister
Varys finds his way back to Tyrion, after getting separated on the road. Together, they might be able to help rule Meereen in Dany's absence.
It's ComplicatedHouse Targaryen
Tyrion and Dany talk about Varys's role, and Tyrion suggests that Varys has helped keep her alive over the years — despite facilitating an assassination attempt at least once.

It's ComplicatedSansa Stark
On the one hand, Littlefinger told Sansa he was placing her with the Boltons because it was the one place the Lannisters would never find her. But then, the first chance he gets, he tells Cersei that Sansa is with the Boltons — so much for playing the protector. Did he know that Ramsay would mistreat her as well?

SchemesRoose Bolton
Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who won the battle.

SchemesCersei Lannister
Whether he gives Olenna a witness against Cersei or not, Littlefinger is playing both sides, the Lannisters versus the Tyrells.

SchemesStannis Baratheon
Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who wins the battle.

SchemesOlenna Tyrell
Olenna reminds Littlefinger that together they murdered a king, and they need to work together. He offers her what he says he gave Cersei — a young man as a source of sexual scandal. In Cersei's case, he's referring to sex worker Olyvar. In this case, he's pointing her in the direction of Lancel Lannister, who can offer damning testimony against his queenly cousin.

AllianceDaenerys Targaryen
Jorah finally finds his way back to Dany via Meereen's gladiatorial fighting pits, with Tyrion in tow. At first, she exiles him again. But then, the oh-so-persistent Jorah shows up one more time, and when he helps save her from the Sons of the Harpy attack, it appears she forgives him.

EnemiesThe Mountain
On ice ...

EnemiesArya Stark
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.

AllianceCersei Lannister
Blue-skinned, mute, and operating under the alias Ser Robert Strong, the revived (and possibly undead?) Mountain is Cersei's new knight in shining armor.

Qyburn's "work" reveals itself when he introduces Cersei's new champion, Ser Robert Strong, who apparently has taken a vow of silence — or just can't speak, because he's kind of a zombie Frankenstein. Either way, Qyburn seems to be in control of him.

EnemiesThe Hound
On ice ...

AllianceSansa Stark
Brienne finds a way to send a message to Sansa — light a candle and put it in the window of the Broken Tower, and she'll come aid her. Brienne watches that window for ages, but goes missing when it counts.

Killed/Killed ByStannis Baratheon
After he fights the Boltons, Brienne finds Stannis wounded and defenseless. She asks about him killing his younger brother, Renly, and he admits it. And he seems to accept his fate, telling her "Do your duty" before she raises her sword to bring justice to her beloved Renly's murderer.

AllianceJaime Lannister
Brienne continues to offer her protection to Sansa, per her oath to Jaime, although she skips out during a crucial moment.

One down, one more to go.

AllianceJaime Lannister
Bronn helps Jaime on his quest to rescue a princess who doesn't want rescuing.
Ward/PrisonerHouse Martell
Bronn is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes, and is nearly poisoned to death by the same concoction used to kill Myrcella. He is also later punished for punching the prince.

White Walkers
Night's Watch

Jon Snow
Wildlings/Free Folk

White Walkers
Night's Watch

Jon Snow

Tormund Giantsbane

Jon Snow
Night's Watch

White Walkers

Alliser Thorne

Jon Snow

Jon Snow

White Walkers

Tormund Giantsbane

Alliser Thorne

Samwell Tarly

Samwell Tarly

Jon Snow
House Stark
House Lannister

Roose Bolton

Sansa Stark

Ramsay Bolton

Roose Bolton

Theon Greyjoy

Brienne of Tarth

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

Cersei Lannister

Arya Stark
Faceless Men

Cersei Lannister

Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane
House Frey


Roose Bolton

Sansa Stark
House Stark
House Frey

Stannis Baratheon

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

Ramsay Bolton

Sansa Stark

Theon Greyjoy/Reek

Stannis Baratheon

Theon Greyjoy/Reek

Sansa Stark

Ramsay Bolton
House Frey

Arya Stark

Roose Bolton
House Lannister
House Stark
House Martell
House Tyrell

Stannis Baratheon
House Baratheon

Cersei Lannister

Sansa Stark

Arya Stark
House Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

Olenna Tyrell

Jaime Lannister
Faith Militant

Lancel Lannister

Tyrion Lannister


Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane

Jaime Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Brienne of Tarth

House Martell

Tyrion Lannister

Cersei Lannister


Daenerys Targaryen

Lancel Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Myrcella Baratheon
House Martell

Tommen Baratheon

Margaery Tyrell
House Baratheon
House Lannister

Stannis Baratheon

Roose Bolton

Ramsay Bolton
House Lannister


Brienne of Tarth
Iron Bank

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
House Tyrell
House Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Loras Tyrell
Faith Militant

Margaery Tyrell

Cersei Lannister

Tommen Baratheon
Faith Militant

Olenna Tyrell

Cersei Lannister

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
House Martell
House Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Myrcella Baratheon

House Targaryen


Daenerys Targaryen

Tyrion Lannister

Jorah Mormont

Daenerys Targaryen
Iron Bank

Stannis Baratheon
Faceless Men

Arya Stark


Arya Stark

Stannis Baratheon

Brienne of Tarth
Faith Militant

Cersei Lannister

Loras Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell


Cersei Lannister

Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane


Tyrion Lannister
House Targaryen


Sansa Stark

Roose Bolton

Cersei Lannister

Stannis Baratheon

Olenna Tyrell

Jorah Mormont

Daenerys Targaryen

Sandor "The Hound" Clegane

Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane

The Mountain

Arya Stark

Cersei Lannister


Sandor "The Hound" Clegane

Brienne of Tarth

Sansa Stark

Jaime Lannister

Stannis Baratheon



Jaime Lannister
House Martell
Killed/Killed By
White Walkers
Wildlings/Free Folk
The White Walkers attack Hardhome with their army of the dead, and the wildlings don't stand a chance.
Killed/Killed By
White Walkers
Night's Watch
The Night's Watch evacuate as many of the wildlings as they can from Hardhome once the wights attack.
Killed/Killed By
White Walkers
Jon Snow
Jon Snow manages to kill one White Walker with his Valyrian steel sword — so between that and dragonglass, we have two weapons that work against them.
Wildlings/Free Folk
Night's Watch
It's not easy, but the wildlings and Night's Watch reach a truce — in exchange for helping defend against the White Walkers, the wildlings can settle in the farmlands to the south of the Wall, known as the Gift.
Wildlings/Free Folk
Jon Snow
Jon Snow makes an impassioned speech that wins over the wildlings at Hardhome.
Tormund Giantsbane
Jon Snow
Tormund kills the Lord of Bones when he won't even hear what Jon Snow has to say.
Killed/Killed By
Alliser Thorne
Jon Snow
Even though Alliser Thorne lifted the gate and allowed the wildlings to pass, he believes that Lord Snow's alliance with the free folk is treason, and he leads a mutiny to kill him.
Jon Snow
Samwell Tarly
Sam leaves to go study at the Citadel in Oldtown, heeding Jon's advice that becoming a maester is the best way he can help the fight.
House Stark
House Lannister
In addition to the ongoing Cersei–Sansa hatefest, Arya Stark takes revenge against one of the Lannister's guards, Ser Meryn Trant — a child molester who beat her sister and killed her Braavosi swordfighting instructor, Syrio Forel.
House Stark
Roose Bolton
The Boltons might have a Stark marriage alliance, but that does not cause them to treat Sansa well.
Marriage Alliance/Betrothal
Sansa Stark
Ramsay Snow
This is Sansa's second marriage, and, technically, because her marriage to Tyrion was not officially put aside for its lack of consummation, she becomes a bigamist here. That's the least of her worries with Ramsay, however, as he starts to abuse her as soon as the wedding ceremony is over.
Sansa Stark
Roose Bolton
After the wedding ceremony, Sansa is essentially kept locked in her room, allowed only periodic trips around Winterfell when accompanied by Ramsay.
Sansa Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Sansa reaches out to Theon/Reek for help, and while at first he struggles with it, he eventually tells her the truth — that Bran and Rickon are alive — and helps her escape, killing Ramsay's lover, Myranda, in the process.
Sansa Stark
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne finds a way to send a message to Sansa — light a candle and put it in the window of the Broken Tower, and she'll come aid her. Brienne watches that window for ages, but goes missing when it counts.
It's Complicated
Sansa Stark
On the one hand, Littlefinger told Sansa he was placing her with the Boltons because it was the one place the Lannisters would never find her. But then, the first chance he gets, he tells Cersei that Sansa is with the Boltons — so much for playing the protector. Did he know that Ramsay would mistreat her as well?
Sansa Stark
Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister is furious when she hears the Boltons have Sansa, and she asks Littlefinger to prove his loyalty by putting Sansa's head on a spike.
Severely Injured/Severely Injured By
Arya Stark
Faceless Men
After going rogue and killing someone on her private kill list (versus the list of people the Faceless Men assign her to kill), Arya is magically blinded as punishment.
Arya Stark
Cersei Lannister
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
Arya Stark
The Mountain
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
Arya Stark
House Frey
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
Arya Stark
If Arya wants her sight back, she'll have to let go of the people she wants to kill.
Marriage Alliance/Betrothal
Roose Bolton
House Stark
Sansa Stark marries Ramsay Bolton, but it's a brutal union.
Marriage Alliance/Betrothal
Roose Bolton
House Frey
Roose's wife, Walda Frey, would be wise to stay away from Ramsay Bolton during her pregnancy.
Roose Bolton
Stannis Baratheon
Their forces face off on the battlefield, and the Boltons emerge victorious.
Roose Bolton
Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who won the battle.
It's Complicated
Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy/Reek
Theon starts becoming Theon again under the influence of Sansa, and eventually is able to shake his damaged Reek persona long enough to help her escape.
Ramsay Bolton
Stannis Baratheon
Ramsay takes 20 men and sneaks into Stannis's camp, burning their supplies and siege weapons. He then leads the attack on their weakened forces, reveling in the resulting bloodbath.
House Lannister
House Martell
Myrcella was under the protection of House Martell, and they failed her.
Marriage Alliance/Betrothal
House Lannister
House Tyrell
This alliance is shaky at best.
House Lannister
Stannis Baratheon
The crown has one less king to worry about.
House Lannister
House Baratheon
Stannis makes one last grand effort at being king — but the Lannisters no longer have anything to worry about from this side of the family, unless Gendry resurfaces.
Cersei Lannister
House Tyrell
Cersei keeps saying she had nothing to do with the arrest of Loras, but everyone knows it's not true.
Cersei Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Margaery blames Cersei for her own arrest — and detests her for gloating about it. The masks are off.
Cersei Lannister
Whether he gives Olenna a witness against Cersei or not, Littlefinger is playing both sides, the Lannisters versus the Tyrells.
Cersei Lannister
Olenna Tyrell
Olenna Tyrell does not for one minute believe Cersei is completely blameless, and conspires to punish Cersei for going after Loras and Margaery via the Faith Militant.
It's Complicated
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Cersei entrusted Jaime to bring back their daughter, but now two of their three children are dead.
Cersei Lannister
Faith Militant
The tables are turned on Cersei when the Faith Militant arrest her for crimes worse than those Loras and Margaery are accused of — incest, adultery, regicide, and more. The only way out of her cell is to confess her sins and take a walk of shame before her trial.
Cersei Lannister
Lancel Lannister
Lancel Lannister — her former lover, her cousin — tells the High Sparrow that, together, Cersei and he conspired to kill King Robert, among other things.
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Cersei still hates him, but she's got bigger enemies to worry about, and her own trial coming up.
Cersei Lannister
Qyburn is the only one who comes to visit her in the cell.
Cersei Lannister
The Mountain
Blue-skinned, mute, and operating under the alias Ser Robert Strong, the revived (and possibly undead?) Mountain is Cersei's new knight in shining armor.
Jaime Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne continues to offer her protection to Sansa, per her oath to Jaime, although she skips out during a crucial moment.
Jaime Lannister
Bronn helps Jaime on his quest to rescue a princess who doesn't want rescuing.
Jaime Lannister
House Martell
Jaime is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes.
Tyrion Lannister
Varys finds his way back to Tyrion, after getting separated on the road. Together, they might be able to help rule Meereen in Dany's absence.
Tyrion Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Jorah brings Tyrion to Dany as a potential adviser, and, given that she needs a political strategist who understands Westeros, the two make a good pair.
Killed/Killed By
Myrcella Baratheon
House Martell
Ellaria Sand wanted to cause a war by killing Myrcella, and though her first kidnapping attempt fails, she finally gets the last word with her poisoned good-bye kiss.
Marriage Alliance/Betrothal
Tommen Baratheon
Margaery Tyrell
Tommen proves to be ineffectual when Margaery needs him most. Even though he's the king — and he could revoke his own decree that gave the Faith Militant their power — he sits and does nothing when his wife and his mother are both arrested by the Faith.
Stannis Baratheon
Melisandre convinces Stannis to sacrifice his own daughter Shireen to the Lord of Light, predicting this will help the snows melt and pave their way to Winterfell. But when his army collapses and his wife commits suicide in the face of this atrocity, she deserts him and makes her way back to Castle Black, realizing her visions of victory were horribly wrong.
Killed/Killed By
Stannis Baratheon
Brienne of Tarth
After he fights the Boltons, Brienne finds Stannis wounded and defenseless. She asks about him killing his younger brother, Renly, and he admits it. And he seems to accept his fate, telling her "Do your duty" before she raises her sword to bring justice to her beloved Renly's murderer.
Stannis Baratheon
Iron Bank
Stannis's provisionary loan didn't quite get him far enough.
Stannis Baratheon
Littlefinger predicts that Stannis will best the Boltons in the battlefield, although he hedged his bets so that he could come out ahead no matter who wins the battle.
Loras Tyrell
Faith Militant
Loras is given a preliminary inquest hearing, where Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against him regarding their forbidden sexual relationship. Loras is taken away to await trial.
Margaery Tyrell
Faith Militant
When Margaery testifies that her brother is not a homosexual and she had no knowledge of his committing any such acts, Littlefinger's prostitute Olyvar testifies against her as well, saying she walked in on a Loras–Olyvar encounter and setting her up for perjury charges.
Olenna Tyrell
Olenna reminds Littlefinger that together they murdered a king, and they need to work together. He offers her what he says he gave Cersei — a young man as a source of sexual scandal. In Cersei's case, he's referring to sex worker Olyvar. In this case, he's pointing her in the direction of Lancel Lannister, who can offer damning testimony against his queenly cousin.
House Martell
Bronn is taken into custody after the attempted rescue of Myrcella coincides with an attempted kidnapping by the Sand Snakes, and is nearly poisoned to death by the same concoction used to kill Myrcella. He is also later punished for punching the prince.
It's Complicated
House Targaryen
Tyrion and Dany talk about Varys's role, and Tyrion suggests that Varys has helped keep her alive over the years — despite facilitating an assassination attempt at least once.
Daenerys Targaryen
The Unsullied try to defend Dany against the pro-slavery insurgents called the Sons of the Harpy, but they're ill-equipped for guerilla-warfare tactics.
Daenerys Targaryen
Jorah Mormont
Jorah finally finds his way back to Dany via Meereen's gladiatorial fighting pits, with Tyrion in tow. At first, she exiles him again. But then, the oh-so-persistent Jorah shows up one more time, and when he helps save her from the Sons of the Harpy attack, it appears she forgives him.
Brienne of Tarth
One down, one more to go.
The Mountain
Qyburn's "work" reveals itself when he introduces Cersei's new champion, Ser Robert Strong, who apparently has taken a vow of silence — or just can't speak, because he's kind of a zombie Frankenstein. Either way, Qyburn seems to be in control of him.
The Mountain
On ice ...