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Viva La Genovia! We May Indeed Be Getting a Princess Diaries 3

While whispers of a potential Princess Diaries trilogy have been circulating around Hollywood for years, we’ve now been given an official tantalizing bit of information. Stopping by Larry King Now earlier this week, Garry Marshall who directed both Princess Diaries films confirmed that he has held meetings with stars Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews regarding a third film. Those meetings, it appears, were quite optimistic. “Disney always likes to announce things, so they tell [me], ‘Shut up, we’ll announce it,’” Marshall said. “[Anne Hathaway] came to my office, she was quite pregnant — now she’s had the kid, but she comes in pregnant — she puts her computer on the table, pushes three buttons, it’s Julie Andrews on Skype in Long Island. And we have a meeting. This is how we work. So I hope they do it.” Hathaway has already expressed interest in a third film, but now that Andrews has also taken meetings, we’re going to do some mattress surfing in celebration.

Princess Diaries 3 Is Gaining Traction