Boy, you thought you had a big lesbian crush on Tina Fey before! While making an appearance at the Tribeca Film Festival last night, Fey confirmed that she plans to use the summer to work on a Mean Girls musical. Turns out, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt star Ellie Kemper’s pregnancy is perfectly timed to provide a break from the show’s shooting cycle — so you go, Ellie Kemper’s unborn fetus! “We’re working on the musical adaptation, which we’re very excited about. Thanks to Ellie Kemper’s pregnancy, we actually have this whole summer to focus on that,” Fey explained. “Normally we would be starting up in June. This year we’re going to start in August, shooting in October, and we’ll be ready to come back with season three by the end of next May.” When riffing on how to incorporate a little Hamilton into Mean Girls to guarantee a Broadway success, Fey laughed, “I was joking around for my own amusement the other day, just going like, ‘How does a Mathlete, chess king, son of a …’” Fey has been collaborating on the project with her composer husband Jeff Richmond and lyricist Nell Benjamin, and remained elusive when asked if she would incorporate social media into the plot. Knowing how fast Fey is able to churn out material, musical-theater actresses should start prepping for their auditions now. Dancing in those super-jumbo tampon costumes is going to be a grotsky little byotch.