Amid the ongoing controversy about the whitewashing of Asian roles in Hollywood was one delightful meme: #StarringJohnCho, which Photoshopped John Cho into various movie posters like Me Before You, Spectre, and The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was a small way of getting at the racial hierarchies that exist in Hollywood. Well, what did the star himself, John Cho, think about it? He dug it! But don’t worry, he was real classy about it. “I thought the idea was fantastic,” he told Yahoo7. “I loved that it was sparking this discussion that otherwise we wouldn’t be having and it did it in a positive way. It was kind of silly, but then people really did have that discussion, and it did get people thinking about it. I felt like it was me on the poster but it wasn’t really about me. I really dig it.” Cho continued, “Preconceived notions and stereotypes of Asians is something people don’t think about or recognize. … That’s what the hashtag is highlighting, Are you aware this is happening?”