This movie has everything: prison, the failure of the American justice system, marriages entered into at moments of absolute despair, you name it. It should also have a fair amount of laughs, seeing how it stars Luke and Owen Wilson and Martin Lawrence. Borat director Larry Charles will helm the comedy, co-written by Luke Wilson and Buck Ritchey and set to begin shooting in July. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Luke Wilson will star as “Howie Summers, a man falsely accused of a bank robbery, who, thanks to his criminally incompetent lawyer (Owen Wilson) finds himself serving a life sentence in prison. On the advice of his cellmate Slick (Lawrence), he finds a wife on the outside and marries the seemingly sweet, demure woman.” Wilson’s character is released from prison shortly thereafter, only to find himself married to a virtual stranger. No word on who will play said wife, so who is currently the female Martin Lawrence/Luke and Owen Wilson of comedy? Let’s all say it together: Rose Byrne. Great. Glad to have figured that all out.