Ever since Marvel Entertainment confirmed they held the film and TV rights to the iconic Marvel Comics character Ghost Rider (previously held by Columbia Pictures, which put out the two not-so-well-received Nicolas Cage films starring the titular Rider), there’s been speculation about where he’d pop up in the so-called Marvel Cinematic Universe. At San Diego Comic-Con, the news came screaming in like a skull on fire: the MCU’s Ghost Rider will debut in the next season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He’ll be played by Wicked City’s Gabriel Luna. There have been an array of people who’ve held the mantle of the Spirit of Vengeance in Marvel’s comics output, and Luna will be playing one of the most recent: a youngster named Robbie Reyes. This is, of course, an inadvertent tribute to the recently departed Alan Vega, performer of the best song ever written about the character.
Marvel released a 30-second video teaser to announce Ghost Rider’s arrival: