miracle on the hudson

NTSB Investigators Are Mad They’re the Bad Guys in Sully

Sully. Photo: Warner Bros.

Every story needs an antagonist, and since geese don’t quite have the personality for it, Clint Eastwood’s Sully was forced to look elsewhere. The film lands on the National Transportation Safety Board investigators who questioned Captain Chesley Sullenberger after the “Miracle on the Hudson” crash-landing. According to the AP, they’re not happy about it. “We’re not the KGB. We’re not the Gestapo,” says the NTSB’s Robert Benzon, who headed the investigation. Benzon and his co-workers admit they did subject Sullenberger to detailed questioning after the crash, but object to the film painting them as villains when they were just doing their jobs. “These guys were already national heroes,” Benzon told the AP. “We weren’t out to embarrass anybody at all.” According to Sully star Tom Hanks, the actual Sully agreed, asking the production to change the names of the investigators in the film. “If, for editorial purposes we want to make [their investigation] more of a prosecutorial process,” Hanks recalled the pilot saying, “that ain’t fair to them.”

Investigators Mad They’re the Bad Guys in Sully