Joss Whedon sat down with Complex to talk about his SaveTheDay super-pac and his support for Hillary Clinton, and they ended up talking about every little thing, including the screenplay he’s working on (it’s a “historical fiction slash horror” set during WWII), how he would totally direct like any major-franchise property (Bond? Star Wars? Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman? “Sure, I’m in”), and who the One True Buffy Pairing is in his heart. “I’m a Buffy/Spike shipper,” says Whedon. “I always felt like he was a more evolved person, but that’s like saying Juliet’s going to be so happy with Benvolio and everyone will love it. Buffy/Angel is for the ages; Buffy/Spike is maybe for me. Actually, I’m a Spike/Angel shipper. Completely re-write the equation.” And there you have it! The Buffy creator has weighed in, and the couple of his dreams is Spike and Angel, living through eternity together. Fight it if you want, but this word comes from on high.