One of South Korea’s biggest comedic hits of recent years is taking over the world, one remake at a time. Miss Granny, a 2014 flick about an elderly grandmother who is suddenly transformed into a 20-year-old again, has been adapted with Chinese-, Vietnamese-, Thai-, Indonesian-, Indian-, and Japanese-language versions. Now Miss Granny’s reverse-Big shenanigans — she walks like an old woman but is cool enough to join her grandson’s heavy-metal band — will also get English- and Spanish-language remakes. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Tyler Perry’s Studios’$2 34th Street Films is set to co-produce the English version, which makes sense, because Granny’s main personality traits (foul-mouthed, stubborn, and more than a bit nosy when it comes to her child’s life) sounds a lot like another movie grandma Perry knows all too well. Don’t be surprised if the 2018 American adaptation involves some fools getting whacked upside the head.