Who should we speak to about helping Ben Affleck get his confidence back? The last year has not been kind to him. Somewhere between being named Sexiest Man Alive in 2002 and the current Live by Night press tour, the movie star is no longer a confident bedfellow. In an interview with the Associated Press, Affleck described directing his own sex scenes, and the resulting imagery is … not great. “I just try to make myself look as good as possible. I just think, ‘What’s the most flattering sexual aspect of myself?’ and I try to put that in the movie,” he said. Fair enough — sex scenes are hard to direct. But the direction wasn’t the issue: Affleck was unimpressed by his own performance. He confessed: “I had to cut it out, it was that depressing. I looked like a sick polar bear.” And still — somehow — the AP’s reporter labeled him an optimist.