Walking romantic fantasy John Cho has signed on for role in next season of Hulu’s Difficult People as — hold on, let us check our notes, wait, oh my God — Billy Eichner’s character Billy Epstein’s boyfriend. To recap: Billy Eichner is, per Vulture’s official research, a total hunk and very cool, while his character Billy Epstein is a total misanthrope. That guy gets to date John Cho! The world is very unfair. Anyway, John Cho’s (very attractive) advertising-executive character named Todd is “as much of a dick as Billy and Julie.” He and Billy connect after a (very sexy) prank war, and the season will follow their (steamy) attempts to figure out how to make a real relationship work. If you haven’t seen Selfie (RIP), prepare yourself for the experience of watching John Cho, romantic lead, appropriately.
Anyway, as much as we are deeply, deeply jealous of both Billy Eichner and his Difficult People character, we hope that this begins a trend where John Cho gets to show up in every TV show and seduce someone. We would believe it every time.