Fate of the Furious writer Chris Morgan has said for a while that he would love to bring back Sung Kang as the beloved character Han. Despite the fact that we saw Han die all over again in Furious 7, specifically at the hands of Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), Morgan said during this most recent press tour for the eighth Fast film that he’s still thinking about the one they call Han Seoul-Oh. Could Han have escaped the blast that killed him in Tokyo … somehow? Morgan told the Los Angeles Times that “he did die,” but when discussing the hashtag #JusticeForHan that popped up after Fate of the Furious debuted, he also put a doorjamb down to keep it from closing entirely. “I think you’ll learn a lot more about it, and I don’t know if that hashtag will be the appropriate one to put on it down the road,” said Morgan. “But I can tell you this: We will definitely be talking more about Han.”
Morgan also said he knows bringing characters back from the dead lowers the stakes even further for the franchise, since you basically take away all consequence with a move like that — so does that mean Han will have a twin who surfaces to avenge his death by going after Shaw? Or maybe, does that mean the entire Fast universe actually exists in a snow globe that we will finally see held in the palm of Han’s hand at the end of the tenth movie? The cruelest and perhaps most likely scenario, though, is that Morgan literally means that we will “definitely be talking more about Han,” because that’s all we’ll be able to do. At least we’ve got two more Fast movies to find out.