Lead Singer of the Chainsmokers Sings Like a Shy Little Baby

The Lead Singer of the Chainsmokers Sings Like a Shy Little Baby


The lead singer of the Chainsmokers (Andrew Taggart) sings like a shy little baby. But little babies don’t sing, do they? You’re right, fellow baby expert. The singing of Andrew Taggart (the lead singer of the Chainsmokers) is not the sound of a little baby singing; but it’s the essence of a shy little baby. Like, have you ever seen a shy little baby consider walking for the first time, unsure of itself and confused by physics and oblivious to existential reality? If that seminal life event could be turned into a sound, it would be just like the singing of the lead singer of the Chainsmokers (Andrew Taggart). So, he just doesn’t project well? Yes and no, fellow baby expert. Yes, technically, he doesn’t project his vocals well. But he does a good job of projecting that he is a shy little baby with his singing voice, which is so gentle, mumbly, and meek despite how banging the music gets. See for yourself, fellow baby expert.

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Lead Singer of the Chainsmokers Sings Like a Shy Little Baby