In the wake of the magnificently catastrophic extravaganza that was Fyre Festival, we now seemingly have confirmation that real life is stranger as fiction. Upon word of Fyre Festival’s chaos, Seth Rogen tweeted that he and the Lonely Island were already in the midst of a team-up for a movie with an eerily similar plot. “This seems like a good time to mention the movie we are making with @thelonelyisland about a music festival that goes HORRIBLY WRONG,” he wrote. The Lonely Island, composed of members Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer agreed, tweeting, “For real, thinking about suing #FyreFestival for stealing our idea.” (Good luck collecting those damages in a timely fashion.) Of course, it’s possible that these jokesters were, well, joking, but if not, the time to finally stop popping may be nigh.