For the first time in all of history, we have a good surprise! Rick and Morty’s long-awaited third season is here … ish, as Adult Swim unexpectedly livestreamed the premiere episode on Saturday night. The show’s Twitter account tweeted along for the whole ride, revealing that the rest of season three will arrive come summer. The episode debut was part of a cruel April Fools’ tease, with the only joke being that fans got all anxious about a pulled rug for nothing. Rick and Morty has been off the air since 2015, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at ’em — they haven’t aged a bit. Since the first stream, Adult Swim has been running the episode in a loop on its website, where it can still be caught. Doing so in its proper order, however, will require some patience — which, if you’re a Ricky and Morty fan already, you have plenty of.