Fyre Festival, how do lawyers love thee? Let us count the ways: seven, in total. In addition to six other lawsuits filed against the festival alleging things like fraud, negligence, and false representations, a brand-new lawsuit has been filed in the wake of the music festival’s imbroglio against Ja Rule and co-founder Billy McFarland. Ja personally guaranteed a $3 million loan for the festival, New York–based EHL Funding LLC alleges, and he and his cohorts have stopped making payments. “While Ja Rule and others have paid back approximately $1 million, they stopped making payments after April 21,” according to “Page Six.” EHL says Ja Rule and McFarland agreed to make weekly payments until the debt is cleared. The suit was filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, and EHL seeks full repayment, interest, and legal fees, according to the Daily News. Ja Rule: not always there when EHL calls, and apparently not on time either.