Mental-health experts, parents, and even some involved with 13 Reasons Why have voiced strong concerns about the graphic nature of the new Netflix show, accusing the series of glamorizing teen suicide. The show centers around a high-school girl who takes her own life — the act is portrayed in full detail — and involves explicit rape scenes. Canada has banned all talk of the show in some schools, while New Zealand won’t allow anyone under 18 to watch the show without adult supervision. (In the U.S., the show is rated TV-MA.) Now, Netflix is taking further precautions: BuzzFeed reports that, in addition to the trigger warnings already in place before the show’s two most graphic episodes (plus a half-hour special following the finale that discusses mental health), the streaming service will add a new disclaimer before the first episode and plans to “strengthen the messaging and resource language” of the warnings throughout. “While many of our members find the show to be a valuable driver for starting important conversation with their families, we have also heard concern from those who feel the series should carry additional advisories,” Netflix said in a statement. Viewers will start to see these changes this week. Previously, one of the show’s writers defended its depiction of suicide, writing that “it overwhelmingly seems to me that the most irresponsible thing we could’ve done would have not to show the death at all.”