Another beloved anime property is getting the live-action treatment. Deadline reports that Cowboy Bebop, which originally ran as a 26-episode TV series from 1998 to 1999, will be adapted by Chris Yost (a writer on Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok) in conjunction with Sunrise, the studio that handled the property’s original incarnation. The setting for Bebop is the year 2071, and an incident involving a hyperspace gateway has rendered Earth all but inhabitable, forcing humans to colonize other solid planets and moons in the solar system. That sets the stage for a space Western focusing on Spike Spiegel, a former hit man turned leader of a crew of bounty hunters (called Cowboys) that hunt down the worst criminals in the galaxy. In this broken future, the crime rate is high, and a legalized contract system has been implemented for registered cowboys to bring in bad guys in exchange for rewards. Tomorrow Studios, the company developing the new Bebop, is also currently working on a TV adaptation of the movie Snowpiercer.