Major spoilers for Twin Peaks: The Return below.
In Sunday’s episode of Twin Peaks, we finally meet Diane for the first time in the flesh — and as many suspected, the character is portrayed by Laura Dern.
In the original series, Diane worked as FBI Agent Dale Cooper’s unseen secretary, the recipient of his investigative audio tapes, and, in the words of Cooper himself, an “interesting cross between a saint and a cabaret singer.” Now, after more than a quarter century in Agent Cooper’s employ — wait, did she still get paid while her boss was trapped in the Black Lodge? — FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield (the late Miguel Ferrer) finds Diane at a bar while he investigates Cooper’s whereabouts. Diane’s role in Twin Peaks: The Return remains to be seen, since she only appears onscreen for a few scant moments, but one mystery has been resolved: Hollywood isn’t done recycling that Julia Roberts wig from Mother’s Day, not by a long shot.