Anyone following Henry Cavill’s Instagram out of lust, shame, and a desire to see photos of his dog knows that the British actor is really proud of the mustache he grew for a misguided frat prank Mission: Impossible 6, like so proud, like, we get it. But as in any good Greek tragedy, pride has led to a fall. According to Variety, Cavill’s mustache is causing major problems for Warner Bros. as the studio is spending “approximately $25 million” on reshoots for Justice League helmed by Joss Whedon, who replaced the film’s original director Zack Snyder. According to Variety, Cavill expected to finish MI6 before getting back to playing Superman, but the two films’ shooting schedules have overlapped, which means that Warner Bros. is now planning spend money to digitally remove Cavill’s mustache in postproduction, because Paramount, which is distributing M16, won’t allow Henry Cavill to shave, and removing mustaches from actors is apparently something you can do now.
Because of this, I plan to spend all of Justice League staring at Henry Cavill’s upper lip like it’s Kate Mara’s hair in Fantastic Four, wondering whether it’s bare thanks to the hard work of Gillette or whichever effects intern got put on ’stache duty. Also, not for nothing, but if Captain America can go full Gowanus microbrewer for Infinity War, why can’t Superman do some hirsute experimentation of his own? (Henry Cavill has also recently gotten into hats. We want to be clear that this is not an aesthetic avenue we would like Superman to explore.)
The reshoots have also “been used to punch up the dialogue,” according to Variety. Whedon, however, won’t get a directing credit for his work, but will likely get a producing or a screenplay credit on the film, similar to what happened with Tony Gilroy on Rogue One. Ezra Miller, your new Flash, is reportedly also having trouble fitting the film into his schedule while shooting the Fantastic Beasts sequel, though luckily for everyone, he doesn’t need a mustache for that.