Baby’s got back: Edgar Wright says he is mulling over a Baby Driver sequel. Sony, pleased by Baby Driver’s critical acclaim and box office return, is interested in another installment. “The studio have asked me to think about writing a sequel and it is one of the ones that I might do a sequel to because I think there’s somewhere more to go with it in terms of the characters,” Wright told Empire’s podcast. “Baby has got to a new place.” So what are we thinking: 2 Baby 2 Driver? “Most sequels you have to contrive something so they go back to square one, unless there’s somewhere deeper for them to go. I think with Baby Driver there’s more that you can do in that realm, and I sort of have an idea that if you did another [film] you would subvert his involvement in the crime in a different way so he’s not the apprentice anymore,” Wright said. Ansel Elgort’s Baby graduating to the head of a crime operation sounds like a plot befitting of the title Boss Baby. Here’s hoping the Drive jacket gets a cameo.