Jade Logue, the 16-year-old daughter of Gotham actor Donal Logue, has been missing since Monday, June 26. She was last seen in the vicinity of Barclays Center in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn. Both the Sons of Anarchy actor and his ex-wife Kasey Smith have taken to Twitter and Facebook to ask for any information regarding their daughter’s disappearance. Many outlets reporting the story have noted that Logue’s daughter is transgender, though, as her mother observed in a video message also posted Sunday, her gender identity is not necessarily relevant to solving her disappearance. While Logue and Smith’s posts have been largely directed at Jade herself, Logue tweeted a message on Sunday seemingly aimed at the person or persons who might be with Jade now. “I love all people and have met tons, but honestly (I’m biased) there’s never been a more loving, innocent, cuddly child than Jade,” he wrote. “I love her and who she is and her tribe is strong (I’ve met many wonderful people through Jade), but there are some predators who swim among their ranks knowing they’re dealing with sweet, trusting souls.” Wrote the Law & Order: SVU actor, “Whoever knows where she is, whoever may be with her — clearly this thing has become big and crazy. The net has been flung far and wide and luckily, I have dogged teams from the NYPD, FBI, and others involved. The point is, you may have had good intentions to help her, but I’m sure you realize that this situation is bigger than you could’ve anticipated. It’s okay. Just drop her off.” Concluded Logue, “There is an ‘out’ for this situation that works for all involved. We promise.”