Kathy Griffin is not only finished apologizing for that photo of her holding a mocked-up severed Donald Trump head covered in tomato sauce from earlier this year. She is flat-out not sorry anymore. As she embarks on her Laugh Your Head Off tour around Australia, Europe, and New Zealand, the comedian’s has focused on putting some perspective on the outrage around her actions. “President Trump just pardoned Joe Arpaio, who was essentially running a concentration camp in the Arizona desert,” she said in a recent profile for the Cut. “He said there are some good Nazis, and he’s kicking out young adults who were brought here as kids by their parents, and I’m the one who has to continue to apologize?”
After the image went viral, Griffin was fired from her New Year’s Eve hosting gig by CNN and had her tour canceled. But in a new interview with the Australian morning show Sunrise, Griffin is rescinding her previous apologies once again, and making it clear that she’s ready to open her “big mouth” again and speak out against the American president. “The whole outrage was B.S.” Griffin said. “I’m no longer sorry. The whole thing got so blown out of proportion and I lost everybody,” she continued, citing social-media rebukes from people like Chelsea Clinton and Debra Messing. See the full segment, in which she tells one of the co-hosts they are “full of crap” for suggesting the offending photo went too far, below.