You’re Invited to a Screening of ~HOCKEY JERKS~
From: [email protected]
Subject: You’re Invited to a Screening of ~HOCKEY JERKS~
Hey [[email protected]],
Thanks for participating with The Screenery! We’d like to invite you to a screening in your area of the upcoming feature film, Hockey Jerks! Here’s all of the information you need to attend this screening:
Wednesday, May 30 | Showtime: 5:30 PM
Sandstone TinyVision Theater | 30001 W. Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90031
Please be sure to arrive no later than 6:30 a.m., because seating is on a first-come, first-bribed basis.
This invitation is for you and a guest between the ages of 17-79. Unfortunately, we cannot admit anyone to this screening that is outside of this criteria, but do know that we will not ask for ID.
If you have seen and enjoyed at least 3 of the following films and TV shows then please continue to the RSVP information below:
To attend, please confirm via our website:
For a description of HOCKEY JERKS, as well as its MPAA rating status, please see below. Thank you for participating with The Screenery, and we hope to see you at the tiny, unventilated black box we generously describe as a movie theater!
Description: You are invited to see Hockey Jerks, a top secret sports action nerd comedy dramedy partially-animated horror movie by one of Hollywood’s greatest auteurs! You’ll never guess the creative genius behind this film. Spoiler Alert: It’s not who you think it is!
OK, fine. You already know it’s Kevin Smith. You almost certainly figured that out immediately. But hear us out: it’ll be different this time. It HAS to be different this time.
This movie has characters you will enjoy watching, and won’t leave you with a feeling of emptiness and regret.
Also, all staff at this screening will sign an NDA – not for the film, but for the audience. No one currently employed or contracted by The Screenery will be allowed to disclose that you attended this screening. It will be between us. We’ll take it to the grave.
However, a roundish guy with a goatee and a hockey jersey wearing a trench coat might be sitting next to you, staring at you, waiting and hoping for you to laugh. Please be a pal and laugh, OK?
MPAA Rating Status: The movie has not yet been rated but is assumed to be R. The studio cannot guarantee the rating that the film will ultimately receive. But it is Kevin Smith, so, you get it. There’s a joke about Squirrel Girl’s pussy in this film. He thinks she stores nuts in it, or something. The joke is gross and bad, but probably the only one like that, right?
*You do not need to register to confirm for this screening. We honestly just respect your courage and optimism in these trying circumstances. Just enter your code below.*
The SWORN SECRECY CODE for this screening is: 1205306V8==D~
Snoochie Boochies! See you at the movies!
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