When allegations of sexual misconduct stalled production on Bachelor in Paradise earlier this summer, it seemed likely that they might permanently mar viewers’ ability to enjoy the show and have long-term consequences for its future. But in an interview with EW, Paradise executive producer Martin Hilton claims that as soon as he saw the tape of the incident between contestants Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson, he knew “pretty much immediately” that nothing would come of it. “It seemed to me that there was nothing really out of the ordinary,” Hilton said. “And so it was fairly clear to me watching it that this was not going to be a long-term issue, yet even the perceived issue is important for us to get right both for the people who have worked on the show forever and with the cast.”
Production on Paradise resumed earlier this summer after its production company Warner Bros. TV investigated the allegations against Jackson and found no evidence of misconduct. Both he and Olympios declined to return to the show, though they will both sit down for interviews with host Chris Harrison as this season covers the controversy. Despite the fact that the controversy still looms large over this season, which premieres tonight, and ABC has teased the show with trailers that highlight it, Hilton says he feels confident the show will return. “Obviously, as producers, you always have that feeling on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, even though we’ve been on so long, that somehow it could be canceled next season,” he said. “But I feel pretty positive that we will be back next summer with another season of Bachelor in Paradise.”