A lot will be said about Carrie Fisher’s final turn as General Leia Organa as Star Wars: The Last Jedi gets closer to release, but it’s not likely that any anecdote will be as affecting as this one Oscar Isaac shared with Entertainment Weekly. Apparently, the two were regular dance partners on set:
“One of my favorite things that would happen from time to time on set would be when Carrie would sing old songs,” he says. “Whenever that would happen I would offer her my hand and we would waltz around the set — on a starship, in a Rebel base, on an alien planet, and she would sing and we would dance. So surreal and beautiful to think about now. For all of her delicious, wicked humor and fiery energy she also had such sweet grace. I miss her dearly.”
Just picture it: Oscar Isaac, perhaps in Poe’s orange flight jumpsuit, dancing hand in hand — and maybe even cheek to cheek — with Carrie Fisher dressed as an army general and leader of a rebel resistance. Director Rian Johnson said that while Fisher’s unexpected death meant Leia’s story line wasn’t written to provide closure for the character, he added that “there’s going to be a very emotional reaction to what she does in this movie.” And in the event that that’s not the case, he can just make B-roll of one of those waltzes into a post-credits sequence.