Judi Dench is one of the finest octogenarians to ever grace the film industry. A bonafide dame, even. So if you’re ever fortunate enough to see her on the street, feel free to curtsy and, we don’t know, buy her a truckload of Twinings out of respect? But please, please, if you’re a Brit, do not call Dame Judi a “national treasure.” Or as she puts it: A “fucking national treasure.” Because she’s going to immediately shut you down with some cutting Yorkshire sass. “Everyone says it, everyone. It’s horrible, it’s awful. I hate it,” she said in a new interview with Britain’s The Times. “I’d like much more to be the Notes on a Scandal woman than the Marigold Hotel woman, do you know what I mean?” We won’t spoil either of those movies for you, so if you don’t know what she means, Google it.