In a recent interview with the Guardian, James Cameron, a male member of the Hollywood elite, complained that Wonder Woman featured an objectified icon and that the movie was just “male Hollywood doing the same old thing!” After bemoaning the “self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood’s been doing over Wonder Woman,” he then brought up the strength of his own female character Sarah Connor from the Terminator fthe Terminator franchise, adding that she wasn’t a “beauty icon.” Cameron added that he was tired of demonstrating his point on the subject, and that he felt like he was “shouting in a wind tunnel.”
Well, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has a few thoughts on Cameron’s ideas on what does and does not constitute a strong female character. In a statement she posted to her Twitter, Jenkins responded to Cameron, writing:
“… [I]f women have to always be hard, tough and troubled to be strong, and we aren’t free to be multidimensional or celebrate an icon of women everywhere because she is attractive and loving, then we haven’t come very far have we.”
Read Jenkins’s entire statement below: