In a new interview with Vulture, the brothers Matt and Ross Duffer teased a second season of Stranger Things in which they “wanted to push things a bit,” because, like any good movie sequel, “No. 2 is always a little bit bigger.” In the process, they also confirmed that season three of the show is officially a go, and that they plan to do one more after it. “We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out,” says Ross. The showrunners talked about continuing to evolve the story since, as Matt is aware, constantly running their child stars through the Upside-Down wringer might not be sustainable: “I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year.” And as for the end game, Ross did offer one hope for where the members of the Hawkins A.V. Club might go off to. “They’re going to have to get the fuck out of this town!” Ross told Vulture. “It’s ridiculous!” See the bigger and badder monsters terrorize small-town America when Stranger Things returns to Netflix on October 27.