Darren Aronofsky loves to make movies that test the limits of both actors’ and audiences’ endurance and also enjoys the touch of a good scarf around his neck. We have long known both things to be true, as Darren deployed a series of scarves during his Black Swan press tour, and has since continued with the whole scarf thing through the shooting of Mother! and his subsequent relationship with Jennifer Lawrence. In an interview with HuffPost, Aronofsky finally got asked about his love of scarves and responded with, “I wear scarves, truly, because the weakness of my body is my throat. Whenever I get a cold, it starts in my throat, so it’s purely a Band-Aid. But I’m making the best of it.” We assume that Aronofsky’s mother is delighted by the news that he is taking steps to protect his constitution, but also imagine her calling him to follow up: “Darren, honey, did Jen get that scarf I sent her? I haven’t seen her wearing it.”