After years of behind-the-scenes drama, the momentum behind The Crow Reborn has found new life. According to Variety, Sony Picture has signed on for distribution rights to the reboot of the 1994 cult classic. Unlike the three sequels, Reborn is going back to tell the original story and will reportedly be a more faithful adaptation of James O’Barr’s 1989 comic book of the same name about a murdered rock star the is resurrected to seek vengeance on his killer.
The movie has previously faced some pretty bad setbacks, gaining and losing various leading men (including Luke Evans, Bradley Cooper, and Jake Huston) and almost as many directors, and suffering through the no man’s land of a studio bankruptcy. While, no star or director is officially attached, most recently Corin Hardy had signed on to direct with Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones’ Khal Drogo) stepping into the lead part. Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, originated the role, which would tragically be his last. The younger Lee died on set after being fatally shot by a faulty blank.