The full eight-season original run of Will & Grace is finally coming to streaming. Starting Thursday, the first 194 episodes of the NBC series, produced between 1998 and 2006, will be digitally available via Hulu, cable and satellite on-demand services, and the Peacock’s own app. The show’s subscription video-on-demand debut comes a mere seven days before Will & Grace’s resurrection as a weekly series on NBC. Those new episodes will also be available on Hulu (like most NBC shows), along with the NBC app and cable on-demand. Until just a few weeks ago, W&G vintage episodes were only available via DVD. A digital thaw began in early August, however, when the first four seasons of the show became available for paid download on iTunes. Tomorrow’s Hulu/VOD debut will mark the first time consumers can binge every episode of the show without getting up to change a DVD. See, not everything about 2017 is awful!