i wanna dance with somebody

Here Are 42 Immaculate Seconds of Armie Hammer Dancing in Call Me by Your Name

Cue the prophet Whitney Houston: Ohhh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! “Somebody,” thy name is Armie Hammer. In Call Me by Your Name, Timothée Chalamet stars as Elio, a 17-year-old besotted by Oliver (Hammer), the 24-year-old grad student studying with his family in Italy over the summer. To use most precise term: duh. Armie Hammer is a million feet tall and he has that sweet, maple syrup–dipped voice! Take a break from your million-plus tabs open to all of this week’s news to watch these 42 seconds of Armie Hammer really feeling himself: Armie Hammer doing that little halfway Crip walk, Armie Hammer snapping his fingers to the music, Armie Hammer pumping his fist, declaring victory over the beat!

See? Didn’t you need a little something — Armie Hammer dancing — to take the edge off?
*Watches this video on a loop, taking a slow drag from e-cig*
*Hides the e-cig because this is a professional office and I’m not Leonardo DiCaprio*
Allora, indeed.

Here Are 42 Immaculate Seconds of Armie Hammer Dancing