The current reboot mania has claimed one of the most gorgeously mustachioed men of our generation. Per Deadline, CBS is currently in the process of rebooting Tom Selleck’s insanely popular ’80s crime-drama series Magnum P.I. — but instead of having the central quartet be all-male, the character of Higgins will be played by a woman. This new Magnum P.I. also deviates a bit from the original premise, with Thomas Magnum being “a decorated ex-Navy SEAL who, upon returning home from Afghanistan, repurposes his military skills to become a private investigator.” With his fellow vets Theodore “TC” Calvin and Orville “Rick” Wright helping him along the way, as well as the “disavowed former MI:6 agent” Juliet Higgins, Magnum will be patrolling the shores of Hawaii and taking on cases nobody else will. Selleck was reportedly asked to participate in some capacity but rejected the offer. Wow: two Magnums!