Following allegations that he groped Terry Crews, WME’s Adam Venit has returned to the office. The agency confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that Venit is back at the Beverly Hills headquarters after a one-month suspension. In the wake of dozens of allegations of sexual assault and harassment brought against Harvey Weinstein, Crews alleged that a powerful film-industry agent grabbed his genitals in February 2016, and later identified Adam Venit as the culprit. Venit, who reps Steve Martin, Sylvester Stallone, Vince Vaughn, and Adam Sandler, was suspended in early November. He’s since been demoted from the head of WME’s motion picture group, and after an internal investigation, WME reportedly found that the incident with Crews was an isolated one. Crews fired WME, and later filed a report with the LAPD. After THR reported that Venit returned to work, Crews tweeted that he “got a pass.”